In this revolutionary digital world, everything is at your fingertips. How if you could use your phone without touching it? Wow, it’s really wonderful. Yes, soon it will be possible. Google is working on it to make this amazing thing possible. With the Google’s new sensing technology Soli, you’ll soon be able to use your phone with simple hand gestures.
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Soli uses advanced radar to see your hand gestures. It uses miniature radar to detect touch-less gesture interactions.
Courtesy: Project Soli
Interesting Soli
Soli is an intentionally-built interaction sensor that tracks the motion of the human hand using radar. The sensor is able to track sub-millimeter motion at top speeds with great accuracy.
The ubiquitous gesture interaction language that Soli come up with will allow people manage their devices with simple and usual hand gestures.
Soli is expected to make the human hand a universal input device for interacting with multiple technological devices. Soli can even sense the smallest gestures and movements of human hand.
How Soli works?

The Soli chip integrate the whole sensor and antenna array into an ultra-compact 8mm x 10mm system. Soli interactions work on the concept of Virtual Tools. Virtual Tools are the form of gestures that imitate familiar interactions with physical tools. This facilitates the learning of gesture communication and remembering Soli interactions.
Soli sensor technology works by discharging electromagnetic waves in a wide beam. Objects that come within the beam scatter this energy, mirroring some portion back towards the radar antenna. Created properties of the mirrored signal such as energy, frequency shift and time delay catch info about the dynamics and characteristics of object, including size, velocity, shape, orientation, material, and distance. Soli is capable to track and identify dynamic gestures expressed by fingers and hand’s fine motions. It works with a single chip sensor enabled by novel radar sensing paradigm with customized software, hardware, and algorithms.
Soli for developers
The Soli SDK allows developers to easily access and develop upon gesture recognition pipeline. The pipeline includes several stages of signal abstraction, including core and abstract machine learning features and UI tools to explicate gesture controls. This is possible with Soli libraries excerpt real-time signals from radar hardware, high precision position and motion data and other key areas.
How could Soli contribute to the digital world?
As stated in the Soli’s official page, the Soli chip can be embedded in phones, wearables, computers, cars and IoT devices. Soli consumes tiny energy and fits onto a chip. As it has no obstacles to pass light conditions, Soli works through most materials in any environment.
Google is known for its supernal innovations in the digital world. This is how Google is trying to make handheld technology more smart. With the advent of Soli, the word of ‘everything is at your fingertips’ will be truly meaningful. Let’s wait to experience it soon.
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