While travelling in the social media world or consuming content on tech sites, your mind gets inspired with innovative app ideas. Soon you will feel it could be a game changer. If you felt the same, the most important immediate next step should be refining your idea and ultimately making it happen.
If you’ve already got an app idea or are crafting it to build a future game-changing app, here are the finest ways to fine-tune your app idea.
Be a part of startup events
There are many startup events going on, which you can find it at explara.com (India), alphagamma.eu (USA) and eventbrite.co.uk (UK). It brings you many unseen tangible benefits, like opportunity to get like-minded co-founders, and meet mentors who have a vast experience in your field (for example, if you’re going to build an e-commerce app, their guidance can fine-tune your app idea), and most importantly investors: when you get an opportunity to present your idea, you’ll have possible chances to attract investors.
When selecting events, you should be choosy. Here are some suggestions by online marketer Neil Patel to choose right events:
“Look at attendee lists before you register for conferences or networking events. Make sure there are either potential clients or people who are a lot smarter than you are at these events. If you are the one teaching the room on how to run a company, something is off. You can only learn if people who are smarter than you are at the event.
If you want to attend good networking events, look for the ones that are intimate and invite only. It’s hard to get into those events, but when you do, it will be worth it. Those are the type of events that will allow you to create new friendships and business partnerships”.
Connect with right mentors

Mentors don’t just bring you a valuable experience to kick-start your venture, rather they could be Lord Krishna for you like how he was for Arjuna, when you’re in critical situation in the areas of growth, market value or financial stability. They’ll guide you to tackle any crisis.
If you ask the same help from anyone outside your business, he’ll just tell you the rules, but mentors help you challenge situations and disasters.
Alex Turnbull, the CEO of Groove, a successful new-age customer support app business, says “networking events prioritize quantity. But I’d rather spend an hour making a meaningful connection with one person over coffee than spending that hour shaking five hundred hands.” Yes, he is absolutely right.
But every business doesn’t need a mentor, but if your idea is big, driven by long-term goals and involve some heavy risk factors, you need it essentially.
Connecting with the right mentor is very very important. This you can achieve with the help of tips given through a great pictorial presentation by Groove that are shown below:

Choose the right resource
In case if you’re a non-technical founder (surprisingly today most successful appreneurs are non-technical founders), you need a right mobile app development partner. Get some top-notch tips to choose a right app development partner here:
• Check their testimonials and reviews
• Check their portfolio
• Prefer both quality and cost, not only cost
If you want to get the cost of app development, you can ask us (FuGenX Technologies) for a quotation, which is absolutely free. We at FuGenX are a three-time Deloitte award-winning global iOS and Android app development company.
It is very important for you to immediately fine-tune your idea and execute it before others hacking it. During your appreneurial journey, make sure you’re connecting with only right people and will formulate a clutter-free roadmap that define your app success.
For instant app quotation or any immediate query, please reach us at info@fugenx.com.