ZomBfense is a horror cum action mobile game, which offers an ultimate gaming experience with rich graphical elements and stunning sound effect. The game was developed to Texas based young gaming company, GameSmithDesigns LLC. ZomBfense is focused on a group of Zombies, and a Gun-armed player who defends his tower from Zombies’ attacks. The overall theme of the game is to survive as long as possible, defending from Zombies’ attacks (or killing them), by making use of explosives arsenal, and unlocking better weapons, and purchasing additional ammo and air support.
- As a gun-armed gamer, you will try to protect your tower from continually attacking Zombies (corpses which are revived by witchcraft) coming from four different directions
- You can switch to the defensive mode and use your best tower defense skills to slow down the Zombies to eradicate them before they take down the tower
- When you think there is no hope, you can reach into your explosives arsenal and unleash hell upon them
- You can use the zombies you kill as currency to unlock better weapons, and you can also purchase additional ammo, defensive items and air support as you attempt to survive as long as possible
- You can also unlock unique and highly valuable rewards through in-game challenges and contests.
Experience Thrilling Gaming Experience
You will experience a thrilling horror cum action gaming experience with staggering visual elements and stunning sound effect. Eye-catching SFX and graphic design dip you in the sheer gaming experience. ZomBfense is live, exciting the whole world, regardless of age, community, and region. Download it now and enjoy an incredible gaming experience.