Travelling is one of the most common hobbies of most of the people. The joy of travelling will be double if you are on a bike. But, the availability of motorbikes may or may not be possible all the time. This is not an issue these days, there exist lot many apps for hiring motorbikes on rental basis. The user just needs to make some simple clicks on their smartphones for getting the motorbikes for their rides. Following write-up will give you an outline understanding of the role of these Motorbike rental apps do to the people.

How Much Does it Cost to Develop Motorbike Rental App

World-wide Statistics of Motorbike- rentals

Recent times have witnessed a drastic raise in the motor-bike rental services, especially since 2013 and is reaching a number of 700,000 motorbikes used across the globe for rental purpose. And this growth is believed to be consistent and in 2016, this number is raised up to 2.3 million and the growth is still continuous.
Owing to this high demand, lot many mobile apps are developed which serves for this motorbike rental services. Also, this raising demand is attracting lot many business persons to invest on this arena. So, now let us know some basic details about making of these apps.
User Panel

Registration/Login: This is the very first thing which user comes across in the app. As soon as the user starts using it, user need to register themselves in the app using their email ID or social media account.
Multiple Bike Type: On the app, user can find various options of bike types. User is free to choose the bike type based on their preferences.
Scheduling: After the selection of the bike type, basic info of the bike will be made available to the user, and then the user can schedule their booking.
Book Now: In any case, if the user wants to book the bike immediately, then this option serves best. User can get the bike immediately as soon as the request is sent.
Manage Bookings: User need not restrict themselves to a single booking rather they can do multiple booking on their mobile apps and can manage their confirmed booking just by some simple clicks.
Premium Motor-bike selection: Users need not restrict to some selected models of bikes, rather they can choose the premium motor-bikes listed in the app. Perhaps, the costs for these premium bikes are bit higher.
Ease Payment: User is provided with many options of payment for the services they took from bikes.
Fare calculations: Fare is charged as per the distance travelled by the user. User can enquire about the charge per kilometre and can calculate the fare charges.
Set pickup points: User can collect their motor bikes from the nearby pickup points they have.
Door-step delivery: User can also have door step delivery of the bike which they have booked. After getting the bike from the service providers, user can go for their desired location.
Booking Cancellation: after booking the bike for ride, in any case if the user wants to cancel the booking, they can do it easily. There is no compulsion that they have to meet their bookings.
Alerts and notifications: User is continuously informed about the progress of their booking via SMS, or push notifications. Even these alerts are also sent in case of other purposes like promotional purposes.
Admin Panel:

Dashboard: This is the one which is displayed to the user where the user is shown with several available motor bikes and their basic info.
Motorbike Management: In the section, admin can manage the data on the app. Admin can update the information of new bikes and manage the detail of existing.
Manage Users: the details of all the various users associated with motorbike rental apps are managed in this section.
Manage Fares/Location-based Charges: In this section, renting cost and fare structures are specific for the distance travelled by the user.
Manage Category: In this category, manager can categorize the various motorbikes belonging to various categories. The availability of the vehicle needs to be updated in the app by the admin.
Reporting and Analytics: the various details of the vehicle renting details like time schedules, most commonly selected bikes, total number of orders, all these are presented in graph format for streamlining the operations.

Additional Features

Interactive Statistics: this helps in generating real-time reports of base fares, time rates, fix package, distances and other settings. This makes it easy and effective in managing the business processes and further helps in extracting relevant business insights and ideologies.
GPS Tracking: With the option, app admin can ensure security by letting the family and friends of the user to know about where the user is going. GPS also allows the user to optimize the routes as they begin the ride.
Rental cost calculation: As per the distance travelled, user can calculate the rental cost. The user needs to enter time and data of receiving the motorbike along with the city name. Accordingly, the calculator graphs a chart of the rental cost. This helps in letting the user know about their rental cost for the upcoming rides.
Payment Integration: This is one of the most important feature which is needed for easing the payment process. Rental apps are integrated with various payment gateways like credit/debit cards, eWallets, PayPal, Net-banking, Braintree, and such for making the payment process easy. User can pay for their bookings at the time of scheduling itself for confirming their timely vehicle delivery.
Promo codes and offers: the service provides may extend various offers to the users, all of which need to reach user via push notification and/or SMS. This will encourage the user towards to using the app and enhances user engagement and app visibility.
Behaviour tracking: algorithm usage makes it possible to have search criteria smarter. With the help of these algorithms, one can store the bookings, this will further help in showing the suggestions related to the vehicle category and such helping in easy booking.
Cloud Environment: the various cloud based servers help in storing the data in a much secured manner. This helps in managing the important information regarding the vehicles, users, etc. and can be authenticated using cloud based servers.
Operational Zone Setup: operational zone setup helps in providing customized services. This will helps in knowing the zone where the maximum booking come from and their specific demands. This will help in attracting the users who belong to a particular locations with the various benefits associated with it.
Technology stacks: for developing a sophisticated motorbike rental mobile app, it is vital to have a technological backup. For meeting the expectations and demands of the users, usage of right technology is mandatory.
Location tracking: Google maps for Android and Apples Maps for iOS are required for determining and monitoring the user location. This is done using user-proximity sensors.
Cloud: for storing and accessing the data, Google cloud servers and amazon data servers are used.
Real time analytics: Flurry and Google Analytics are commonly used for tracking user data which includes number of downloads, number of users, visiting the app, bounce rate and such
SMS, Phone and Voice Verification: For authentication and spam handlings, Google sign-in or Facebook SDK are used.
Database: various database technology like MySQL, Postgres, HBase, MongoDB, etc. for storing the customer data as well as business related data.

Creating a Motorbike Rental Mobile App

After deciding the features which have to be included in the app, then focus should be given on the development process. Required team structure and estimated cost involved in making the app
Required Team Structure

A right team consisting of experienced and skilled professionals is mandatory for making a great app. Contacting a Motorbike Rental App development company serves useful in developing a great app.
Project managers
iOS developers, android developers, back end app developers
QA testes
UX/UI designers, graphic designers.
Cost Estimation of Rental mobile app

The Motorbike App app development cost depends on various factors like Features, app complexity, additional features, Rental app developer, Motorbike mobile app developer, and all such. Rental mobile app development involves the following process
Documentation(15 hours)
Design(40-60 hours)
Front end panel for users( 250-280 hours for each platform)
Admin Panel(60-80 hours)
Testing(40 hours)

Cost to develop Motorbike App involves the integration of the above mentioned features which cost around $12000-$15000 for a single platform. Perhaps, the cost will raise as the number of features included are more.
How much FuGenX costs to develop Motorbike Rental like app?
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