Technology is becoming ubiquitous these days. Penetrance of technology is not restricted to one field, but it is applied in lot many arenas. Law firms are not any exception, even there exist mobile apps for the various law firms.

How Much Does It Cost to Develop a Law Firm Mobile App Development?

The law industry is witnessing the adaptation of technology since 2013 and the usage of these apps has reached 62% in the American Lawyer 200 & Global 100. Even the usage of Websites has become old fashion, while people have shifted to the usage of mobile apps, and this number accounts for about 87% of the users.
How your law firm can benefit from a mobile app?

As per statistics, 76% are the adult internet users in US find lawyers using internet, out of which 36% of them search over smartphones. No doubt people have transformed from web browsing to smartphone search. It is evident from the statistics that 86% of their time, people are spending on mobile apps, and only 14% on web search. And this percentage of mobile app usage is on raise. The various benefits of using Law firm mobile app are as follows
helps in easy client management
helps in increasing the efficiency of law firm
enhances client satisfaction
enhances productivity
useful in collecting useful information and connecting with clients
helps in easy sharing of data with the employees
helps in staying strong in competition
useful in firm advertising
helps to keep the client updated about the case
helps in better connectivity.

Types of Law Firm Mobile apps

Law Firm apps can be categorized into two, mainly:
Apps providing services to clients: Providing legal crisis assistance, and is featured with hotline, offering instant access to management law specialists, Tips offering help in crisis situation, etc.
Apps providing services to attorneys: these apps function for professional networking with colleagues, comprising of chats and recruiting, recording of meeting, taking notes, organizer, can set up meetings, calendar, store and share documents, and such.
What are the features of Law Firm Mobile Apps?

Legal app basically consists of four panels, which are as follows:
Super admin web panel
Law firm/admin web panes/attorney
Employee app/layer/web panel
Web/Client app
Here let’s start with the law firm panel.
Features of Attorney/law firm panel:
Verification process via email to build trust & remove bots & spammers app usage.
List of services the Attorneys offer to the clients.
Manage Bookings/Clients
Manage Lawyers working for an attorney or law firm
Manage Tasks/Cases/Case Documents
Recent Activities
Timer to track time for each case
Manage reminders for meetings & events
Manage expenses for a task or for the entire case
Manage invoice
Date Calculator displaying actual days and business days, thus attorney can calculate the date of the case ending
Export & Import clients, employees, cases in bulk though in little time
Messages, so law firm is able to communicate with lawyers & employees
Updates in form of emails, push notifications, etc.
Work Flow to make work easy by creating steps
Manage permission & access for modules for lawyers to be set by the law firm
Earnings displaying total firm profit, income from clients & payment made for subscription plan activation.
Dashboard shows recent activity, upcoming events, reminders, meetings
Referrals & offers/discounts
Sign Contract, here firm can send a contract with signature and firm seal to the client to sign the same. It is best for privacy and secures the client’s crucial information private & secure
Manage subscriptions where user upon buying a plan and making payment, gets access to the panel.
Reporting & analytics for real-time reporting
Features for the Lawyer Panel:
Handle Cases, where attorney upon being assigned a case, will get notified and able to view entire case detail & client name
Notes/Documents: The lawyer can handle the case and will have access to create & manage notes and documents
Reminders for meetings & events
Manage Tasks
Client Engagement while handling the case
Message to chat with law firm & clients
Push Notifications
Add Expenses related to the case so they can be tracked by the law firm
Manage Profile, where the lawyer will be able to manage the profile and accessing account info and reset password

Features of Client Panel:
Search law firms using GPS to view nearby firms or via prominence
Book Appointments
Sign Contract send by the law firm
Send Documents
Manage cases, as all cases will be listed here, where he can view pas cases & open cases
Reminders & Calendar for meetings
Payment Invoice
My activity
Refer App to friends & relatives to receive points/offers/discounts
Manage Profile
Push Notification
Online Support
Features of Super Admin Panel:
Dashboard offering overall statistics regarding app performance, like plans, total users, total earning, data and date range
Manage firms
Manage User Profiles
Content Management System (CMS) to manage system content, both in text & Image form
Manage Subscription Plan, like new plans, can be added and managed from here
Online Support offering help to the users
Push Notifications
Add Expenses related to the case so they can be tracked by the law firm
Manage Profile, where the lawyer will be able to manage the profile and accessing account info and reset password

Law Firm App Advance Features:

CRM Integration:this helps to manage client’s relationships and enhance communication
Cloud storage integration: enhances data security and privacy
End-to –end Encryption: helps in safe sharing of documents and such between client and lawyer
GPS integration: helps in identifying user’s current location.
Social media API: App should be integrated to Social media for better sharing
Translate voice into text: this serves very useful in recording client’s words or statements.
Role-based dashboard: helps in managing the dashboard, and if the user is paid, they can customize the dashboard as per their requirements.
Post-release services: even after the project completion, services like system upgrade, error resolving and such can be done
Good UX/UI: this allows to have an attractive appeal to the users
In app video chat: this serves useful for lawyers, agencies and clients
Document scanning: helps in easy scanning of documents
GDPR: General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR helps in better protection of the data.

Which are the popular law firms which created Legal Apps?

Popular Firms: Bird &Bird, Sheppard Mullin, McCullough Robertson, Allen&Overy
How much does it cost to develop a Law Firm Mobile app?

cost to develop law firm app depends on various factors like firms, law app development cost mainly depends on the law firm mobile app development company which has got expert law firm app developer, law firm mobile app developer, designers, project managers, and QA testers.
On an average, law app development, ranges between $400 to $100,000 depending on the business objectives and needs. Other vital factors which influences the cost are advanced features, complexity, platforms used, location of app development, and such.
How Much Does It Cost To Create A Law Firm Mobile App Development?
The cost of creating a mobile app for law firms depends on the platform you choose to develop, the features you shortlist to add, and the technology stack you used in the development process. Moreover, the cost of mobile app for law firms would also drastically depends on the application developer’s brand value and hourly charges.
Hence, considering all these factors, the development cost of a law firms app will be around $50,000 to $100,000 for both Android and iOS platforms with a set of required features.
FuGenX is the best native mobile app development company in India and with a strong presence in UAE and USA. We are a trusted and award-winning mobile app development company in India. Our expert top mobile app developers can design eye-catchy UI/UX and develop features-rich Android and iPhone apps for law firms within promised timelines.