Days are changing, and so as the change in our lifestyle. In these modern days, things are becoming automated, which is reducing the human effort. Decreased levels of human efforts in getting the things done are leading to lot many health complications, one of which is Obesity. As per the statistics, about 30% of the people all around the globe are obese.

Cost to develop a Weight Loss, diet, calorie counter & nutrition app

This is an alarming scenario where people have to make a move towards healthy living. The move is on and is evident in the increased number of gyms and increased awareness about nutrition and the diet.
Among the two, gym and the diet, the gym would be good for the people who have the motivation for going to the gym on a regular basis. But, in the current scenario, people are hardly finding the time. In such cases, the diet would work for them. There are many fitness and diet apps these days, which will assist the user in keeping their calorie intake in check.
Owing to this high demand, many mobile app development companies are working on a lot many diet and fitness apps. Perhaps, such Online nutrition App does exist, yet there is a lot of scope for betterment so if you are looking to create a diet app in this arena, following tips which help you.
Some of the attractive diet apps

AppStores and google play store host lot many apps related to diet, all of which have more or less the same features, with some differences. Different apps are unique at targeting different audiences. Here is the list of top diet apps
Wager app
This apps offers a challenge to the user for cutting down the extra calories. The user can bet for money. The user needs to challenge that he or she will lose a certain weight in the prescribed time. If they are losing weight in the stipulated time, they will win the bet and are paid for it.
If not, the user will lose money. Owing to the loss of money, the user get motivated to lose weight. One such example of such apps is DietBet app.
Diet and fitness apps
This is a specific app for specific people, i.e. in this people are categorized in various sectors like diabetic, pregnant and such. And diet plan is made especially for them. This will actually narrow down the target audience, and these are called Special diet apps.
Social Platform apps
These are those apps which will help in hiring professionals for diet and nutrition. Using these apps, the users will get suggestions and professional tips regarding the diet of the user. Examples of such app are Rise, where the user can find the professional help for following the diet and keeping it checked.
Apps for meal planning
These are the apps, where the user can find the plan for their meal, what they should include and what not. Using this app, the user can set targets like how much they want to lose and what are their food preferences and such.
It helps in preparing a diet plan for the day, creating food shopping list, transforming eating habits with nutritional food, week and month as per the data provided by the user. A popular example of such apps is Eat this much and Diet assistance.
Calorie calculating apps
These apps help in calculating the calorie intake and the number of calories burnt by the user. The user need to provide the data of how much they want to use, what food they had and how much they had, what physical activity they underwent and such.
This app will then provide with the data of how much is the calorie intake, and how many they have burnt and also provides with some suggestions for achieving their goals. Popular examples of such apps are MyFitnessPal, which is used by around 11.7million users.

Features that are expected from these apps

Registration will bring a professional look to the app. As in any professional nutritional centre or any gym, registration of the user is mandatory. In the same fashion, for imparting a professional look to the app, it is important to include the feature of Registration.
Registration of the user involves providing the data about height, weight, age, desired weight goals, food habits, and such. Also, signing up via email, twitter, Facebook, or manual options need to be included.
Dashboard and Food Logging
The appearance of the app is very important. After the registration, the various features of the app need to be presented in a form which is attractive and comfortable to the users. If the dashboard is fuzzy, the user will not feel like searching for their required feature. So, in order to avoid such a scenario, it is very much important to focus on the customization of this feature.
Integration with trackers
As per the statistics, as of 2018, about 593 million wearables are in use, and this number is expected to rise to 929 million by 2021. Wearables are the tech gadgets which the user can wear and can track their fitness progress. They help in recording vital information like heart rate, blood pressure, pulse automatically.
The best thing is that these wearable are very much accurate. So, any fitness if it has to penetrate into the huge number of users, its integration to various wearables is mandatory.
Push Notifications
Push notifications are one which can motivate or even irritate the user. Push notifications encourage the user to get reminded of the task they need to do. If the user feels if it as a reminder, it would be good, or in some cases, more number of notifications may annoy the user, which in turn may lead to uninstallation of the app. So, care should be taken regarding the number and timing of the push notifications.
Diet plan for reaching the user goals
The main motto of using these apps is to guide the user towards a healthy lifestyle leading to achieve the user’s goal. So, this feature should be the highlight of the app. The app should contain the necessary guidance for users to achieve their desired body weight/or shape.
Include Barcode
Including the barcode for the various items in the app will help the user in finding the product easily. Barcode scanner help the user to get the essential data like the ingredients of the item, calories counter, etc.
Usage of apps is one of the most common thing these days. Yet, the app design should not be complicated. The app and the navigation involved in searching for the desired items should be made simple. And in all cases, a special category called ‘Help’, should be included, which contains FAQ’s, chat services and also videos related to the usage of the app serves useful,
Feedbacks are the only way to know how the users are feeling about the app. No matter, it is good or bad, welcome all kinds of feedback. These feedbacks will help a lot for the improvement of the app.
Monetizing the app

Nutrition application for businesses is a smart thought. Making money from the app is one the common thing, and for that to be successful, one needs to include some special features for the paid users.
And, another way for making money through an app is to invite advertisements, of course, it does have both pros and cons. Pros include making money and cons of ads is that this may annoy the user and may lead to uninstallation of the app.
How To Determine The Cost Of A Diet and Nutrition Planning App Development?

At the end of the day, money matters a lot for every business which is planning to invest in mobile app development. Of course, everyone wants a high-quality app within their budget limit.
Generally, the development cost of a mobile application depends upon various factors (like the app’s OS, app type, features, design, integrations, etc.) and also on the nature of the app. For instance, if the app is simple, the cost is less, and if the app is complicated in terms of design & features, then the cost of creating such mobile apps needs higher investments.
Since the hourly rate of mobile app developers varies from region to region, the average cost of a diet and nutrition app development will range from as low as $20,000 to $75,000 with basic features for a single platform.
FuGenX is the best app development partner for the design and development of Calorie Counter, Lifesum, and MyPlate like best-in-class nutrition tracking apps.
Let us know your project requirements and get a free quote for a diet and nutrition planning app development!


As discussed, the app ideas, ideal features, monetization, cost of making a health and fitness app. Perhaps, there are many such apps existing right now, yet better ones are always welcome. And these are profitable too, as the demand for such apps is on raise. We have also seen the pros and cons of these apps.
And to succeed with these apps, hiring a professional mobile app development is advisable. FuGenx Technologies is one of the best app development companies for meeting all the client requirements. So, why not visit FuGenX Technologies, if you have a thought of making a health and fitness app.
How much FuGenX costs to develop Diet and Nutrition Mobile like app?
To get instant quote for Diet and Nutrition Mobile like app, feel free to reach us at