The concept of photos dates back to long time before, yet it’s prominence is on raise these days. This increased prominence owes mainly to the increase in the sharing rate of pics on various platforms. In such a scenario, it is obvious that people want to share only the best clicked ones. But, in most cases, clicks may not be perfect. But no worries, we have a huge collection of photo editing apps these days.

Cost of Developing an Photo-Editing App like Retrica

With the help of these apps, one can enhance the quality of the photo and also can add extra glamour to the photos. These apps are becoming so demanding that people are preferring to use the built-in cameras of the app rather than the high end cameras in their smart phones. Now let us look into the development of these photo editing apps.

Demand for Built-in Camera Apps

As per the statistics given by ePhoneZine, around 68% of adults in the world share their edited pics on the social media, rather than sharing the unedited pics. Perhaps, it is true that the smartphones cameras cannot match the professional cameras, but the built-in modules helps for making the photo look its of better quality and better resolution. This photo editing option is helping people in making the normal photos look amazing.
Technographics suggested in infographic that the number of selfies taken in a day all over the world is around in number of 1 million. Out of which 34% of males edit their selfies. The trend of selfies is on raise since 5-7 years and till today this demand for various mobile solution are available to the people allowing the editing of the photos. Yet, betterment is always welcomed by the people and hence the demand for Photo-Editing mobile app development.
Creating apps like Retrica

Looking into the making of such kind of apps, it is important to learn the best of the best for making a successful app like retrica. Firstly, let us know about retirca.
Retrica is a popular app which has launched in the year 2012 as a small Korean startup. Initially, it used to support iOS platforms, later on it is expanded on to android platform too. After making it accessible to android, it witnessed huge profits specially in Europe and US.
Its statistics are surprising to know, because it is more successful in other nations, in Italy it stands in 14th position, in US, it holds 78th position, and in Korea it stands in 10th position.
Though the ranking numbers are so high, it is fact that there is a huge competition in the market for these apps, and standing strong in such a scenario, and achieving success is not a small thing.

Features of Photo-editing apps:

App like retrica has become so attractive because it has got all the various important features like 120 filters which enhances the quality of the photo. This makes the user prefer this app for enhancing the quality and beauty of the photo before it is shared. Also, this app provides allows the user to share the pics on various social platforms. Following are some of the main features of these apps which are expected from users:
User Registration: Photo-editing apps works with user-data, hence it is vital to have integration via user registration. User who want to use the app, need to sign up and login allowing the access to their data
Syncing with the social media: This feature of synchronizing the user data with the social media helps the user in saving time by reduces the efforts in providing the personal info each time they log in.
Image Loading: These apps for working in real-time needs the access to the user’s camera. But the editing of the photo can be done after the clicking the pic from the smartphone camera for which the user need to upload the pic( for which editing is needed) from the gallery
Edit photos: editing of the photos is made possible with the help of various filers present in these apps. The Photo-Editing app developer can include as many filters as possible for delivering the best of the best photo editing options. The various commonly used filters includes add stickers, vignette, text, blur, drawing, rotating the image, adjusting the size and many such.
Settings: With adopting proper settings, user can enjoy the app comfortably like auto save, auto update and such
Save photo: The edited pics need to be saved on the smartphone gallery of the user for further sharing on various platforms.
Collage Loading: There may be one or many pics which the user want to share on the various platforms, so collage making helps in presenting many pics at a time.
Additional features which are expected from these apps are:

Eliminating red-eye, whiten teeth
Better settings like color, brightness, contrast, focus, exposure and image saturation
Rotate/align/crop options
Built-in photo timer
Additional fonts, effects, frames, etc
Creating short video’s
Helps in storing the personal pics in user’s personal account
Cropping a picture and using it as sticker
Sharing pics on social network like VSCO
All the above mentioned features are present in apps like Retrica and similar popular apps. Now, let us further discuss above the features which can be included in these apps.

Creating a Photo Editing App

While developing a photo editing app, it should be noted that it should not be like a copycat. Perhaps, the basic skeleton can be similar, but uniqueness should also exist. So, take care about the basic aspects which are mentioned below
Marketing Goals: this can be explained under two headings, Marketing research and marketing strategy.
- Marketing research: this is important for any of the businesses you do. Before you start working of the particular product/service, it is vital to know its market demand, competitors and all such. Accordingly, you will be able to understand the pros and cons of the making it
- Marketing strategy: Next it is the time for implementation, for which perfect strategy is required. The marketing strategy should be made keeping in mind about the development and promotion of the product.
Uniqueness: As mentioned above, the photo editing apps so developed should not be like copycat rather, it should have a uniqueness in it for attracting the users. Of course, it should meet the basic features, yet need to have a uniqueness flavor for making attracting the potential users.
Features-list: After deciding the basic concepts, next focus should turn on to the functionalities and additional features included. Take care that the new app developed has user-oriented features to offer tough competition to the competitors. It is advisable to include as many new features as possible for making the user feel great about the app.
Business Model for Creating a Photo editing mobile app

Getting revenue from the app is important for its successful running. But care should be taken that it should not burden the users. Consider the strategy of Retrica Mobile app developers, they made the app in two versions, one paid and other free.
But for a new app, initially it is advisable to make it available free to the users, later when the users are connected to the app and its amazing features, one can make paid versions also. Even the advertisements on the app account for gaining revenue from the app.
Popular Examples: Camera 360, BeautyPlus, Facetune, Aviary, Instagram.
Cost of Developing Photo Editing Apps for Android and iOS

Cost of developing apps like Retrica app depends on various factors like the complexity of the app, number of filters used, the developers and programmers involved, and many such. For instance, in India, the Cost to develop Retrica app like apps is around $8000 to $30000, while the same in US cost double.
If the development time is taken into consideration, like Retrica app development cost, it cost around $42000 for 850 hours, if Photo-Editing App Development Company in US or Western Europe are hired. In Europe, the charges are like $30/hour, which comes to around $25,000 on a whole.
How much FuGenX costs to develop Retrica like app?
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